Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One thing is for certain....he could NEVER be mistaken for a girl!

Always ready to eat....
even if it happens
to be his toes.


Tiffany Jones said...

Oh, that's just mean... but I bet you had a lot of fun dressing him up. I hope he doesn't hold it against you someday. :)

Mandee said...

He probably will but I will remind him that it was HIS idea!! He brought me the clothes and the headband. My only crime is not saying no...okay and taking the pictures!

snbjork said...

Hey, just got your comment. They go straight to my email. Is your hotmail address valid? If so, then I will email you.

Also, I did actually think Jackson was a little girl for the first two seconds after looking at this picture. Then I realized who it was. He's cute even in pink! =)

Mandee said...

Suzanne, you can email me at the address you have. And by the way Jackson will someday LOVE that you think he looks cute in pink!!

Sherri said...

Really cute pictures!

Emma Jo said...

What happened to your chunky little baby boy? He looks so grown up and tall! Loving the headband.

These Small Hours said...

Very cute picture. You know this is bribery stuff for when he gets older right? About a year ago I dressed up all 3 boys in my old Sunday dresses from when I was a little girl. I took a TON of pictures and am saving them for some day when they may come in handy. Aaron was horrified and none to pleased that his sons were wearing dresses. (;
What did Dallin think of his pretty little boy? (:

Tiffany Jones said...

By the way, I can't get over how similar he looks to Madelyn, especially in pink!