Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Still laughing...

Now this is what I call
Thank you Lexi!


Heather said...

Laughing my head off over here!

Mandee said...

I knew you would appreciate it!!!

Tiffany Jones said...

Thanks for the laugh. I needed it!

Unknown said...

Best site EVER! And that's including

Sherri said...

Ok this is a pitty post! But I did laugh when I saw it and shame on me for lurking! Lova ya!

These Small Hours said...

It is funny. I think I'd be a stump poking out of the snow and the add would read, "Oh hi, 5 Hershey bars in one day Andria!" (They were supposed to be for SMORES this weekend). Pathetic I know.....I'm feeling very fat right now and without any will power. What is the matter with me?

Mandee said... least it wasn't Little Debbie snack cakes. I know what you are thinking sugar is sugar but come on we all know Little Debbie is in a gross field all by herself! And Sherri....thank you for the pity post, I promise to come up with something worthy of a response next time!!!

Heather said...

Lexi,I actually made myself sick at

I can't go back there for many many years! (long gross story)

Thanks for introducing me to this webpage, it is really funny!

Oh an Mandee, if you are a true fan, you must now come up with your own subheading for this picture.

Here are a few of mine...

"Mr. tree getting so tired of the little squirrel, gives him the finger to express his true emotions."


"How could little squirrell tell his kids, this was their christmas tree?"


"As soon as Mr Twig said put your hands in the air, little squirrell knew this wasn't going to be good."

(These are only funny if you look at the picture while reading them, and if you are really really tired!"

Mandee said...

Okay that website is possibly the grossest thing I have ever seen!! I was eating and now I am sick to my stomach!

Heather said...

I know it's yukko and awesome all at the same time!

Mandee said...

Kind of like a train wreck!

Jessica said...

Okay, I really didn't get this until I read the comments.

Because she's so emaciated right?

I'm really smart, you know?

Mandee said...

Exactly Jessica!